Executive Coach Tip: The Value and Benefits of Giving Someone a Recommendation on LinkedIn
How often do you make it a point to give a recommendation to someone on LinkedIn? Have you considered the benefits and value of GIVING a recommendation?

The value of giving someone a recommendation on LinkedIn:

Every time you recommend someone on LinkedIn, you nurture and strengthen a relationship with a connection.
The process and discipline of giving recommendations builds a circle of influence where others see you as a valuable network connection and a trusted resource.
Giving a LinkedIn recommendation is like leaving a "business card" on someone else's profile. Your recommendation links BACK to your profile.
Giving a recommendation says something POSITIVE about you and your willingness to give.
As direct result of giving first, your connection is much more likely to recommend you in return -- like everything else in life you tend to GET in proportion to what you GIVE.
TRY THIS TODAY: Reach out and offer a recommendation to a former colleague, vendor, advisor or business partner.

Do this once a week, consistently, and watch the magic begin to happen.