Happiness Matters To Your Success!
Abraham Lincoln once said “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Your happiness is determined not by what other people do but by what you do, just like your success.

Why does happiness matter and what impact does it have on your career success? It has a much bigger impact on your success than you might think. Positive emotions such as optimism, cheerfulness, enthusiasm are positive emotions that dramatically affect our performance to solve problems, and drive results. For most people these positive emotions look like happiness.

Do you convey a positive image in the workplace? If you’re not sure of the answer, here is what studies tell us. There is a connection between your words and your personality. For example, if you often use statements such as “I hate,” “so annoying,” “so bored,” and “fed up,” these statements bring forth negative emotions. These emotions drive your behavior. Statements that include “what if,” “grateful for,” “appreciate,” “I can,”—these statements will manifest positive emotions and therefore a positive self-image and actions.

Take the challenge. Track for three days your body language, words and emotions, and you’ll start to see a pattern of the image you convey in the work place and outside of the workplace. Ask for feedback from trusted peers and colleagues about these behaviors as well. The good news is, we all can improve our lives by changing our vocabulary.

Drive-thru happiness isn’t the answer. Instant gratification and short-term pleasure will make you happy in the moment but will not last as long as you might think. It’s quick, it’s gratifying but it will soon pass. To be really happy is to have meaning in your work and in your life. People who have meaning in their life have aligned their values to what they do. I’ve been successful in the workplace because I bring my value of caring for people into everything I deliver. Colleagues not only see that, but can experience it too. To have purpose in life is to experience profound joy. One of the best predictors of a meaningful life is the connection we have with others. I’m not talking about the surface-based, virtual-type of connections but spending quality time with people and building healthy relationships. Connection is the most important piece of happiness.

What effect does happiness have on your success?