How to Make a Career Change
My clients struggle with making a career change because they think it’s done in one big leap. The fact is it does not happen overnight, so don’t do it cold turkey. Reinventing yourself will likely take a year or more. Take these incremental steps to make the transition.

1. Evaluate the Situation – Where am I now? STOP and write down the key sources of your dissatisfaction (i.e., job duties, your boss, salary/benefits, co-workers, work load, location, corporate culture, etc.). Create a list of every like and dislike about your career. Do you want to change jobs or make a total career change? Write out the ten pros and cons of a career change. Write in a “Career Journal” everyday for one month, and then assess the repeating themes. On a scale of one to ten, how fed up are you really?

2. Inventory Your VIPS – Who am I? The second step is to gather Self-Assessment Information (SAI). Conduct a very careful inventory of your top five VIPS: Values, Interests, Personality-traits and Skills. This can be achieved through: 1) career counseling, 2) assessment testing, 3) career development questionnaires and 4) reading recommended career development books.

3. Explore and Analyze the Options – Where am I going? Take all the SAI and come up with ten possible job targets for in depth research. Begin to acquire World of Work Information (WWI) on each of the ten job targets including: 1) Nature of the Work, 2) Qualifications and Training, 3) Working Conditions, 4) Advancement, 5) Job Outlook, 6) Related Occupations and 7) Salary and Benefits. Conduct a SWAT Analysis of all of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats to each option. The goal is a find a good match between the SAI (who you are) and WWI (what’s out there).

4. Prioritize the Options. Take the top ten options that you have explored and then rank them into three categories: 1) Ideal/Dream Jobs - These are your first choice options where you will experience the most fulfillment and satisfaction. Reaching these requires the highest risk. 2) Realistic/Good Enough Jobs – This is your back-up list of options that are less than ideal and require less risk. You will only be moderately satisfied with any of these. 3) Safety-Survival/Rock Bottom Jobs – These are the jobs of last resort. This list consists of short-term jobs that you take in order to pay your bills and just survive. You only take these jobs when you can’t find anything else. These are the least risky and least satisfying.

5. Make a Decision. Avoid “Analysis Paralysis.” From your list of alternatives, weigh the evidence, and then choose. Don’t delay.

6. Close the Gap – What barriers need to be overcome? Clearly define the obstacles in your way, and generate possible solutions. Close the experience gap by starting a “Parallel Career.” This allows you to keep your full-time job while working or volunteering part-time weekends or nights in another profession. Gain additional credentials, degrees, certifications if necessary. Start building a resume that demonstrates you are reinventing in a new direction. Start becoming a SME (Subject Matter Expert) in your new field.

7. Set Goals – How do I get there?. Next write out three sets of goals: 1) Short-term – less than a year, 2) Intermediate Term – one to five years, 3) Long-term – beyond five years. Use the SMART Goals formula by making them: 1) Specific, 2) Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Time-Sensitive. Rank these into three categories: 1) Highest Priorities, 2) High Priorities, and 3) Lower Priorities. This can help you determine in what order the barriers need to be overcome. Every day implement a micro-goal and ask yourself, “What is one small thing I will do TODAY to help transition my career?” You won’t change your career in one fell swoop. Start by taking incremental steps that will build toward your focus.

8. Implement the Action Plan. Your Strategic Action Plan is one of three things: 1) Doing a Job Search, 2) Going Back to School, 3) Starting a Business. Spend 80% of your time networking!!! Spend only 20% of your job search time on these other job search techniques: 1) Targeting Employers Directly, 2) Utilizing Career Centers, 3) Applying to the Classifieds, 4) Using Staffing Agencies, 5) Volunteering, 6) Joining Professional Associations, 7) Using the Internet, 8) Attending Career Fairs, and 9) Participating in Job Search Clubs/Hosting a Career Party. Spend time sharpening your job search tools including your: 1) Resume, 2) Cover Letter, 3) References, 4) Interview Skills and 5) Salary Negotiation.

9. Networking, Networking, Networking – Who will help me? Ask for help! Start reconnecting with people in your 3 Circles of Influence: 1) Inner Circle – closest relationships, 2) Middle Circle – close associates 3) Outer Circle – lesser known contacts. You can also divide up your list into four categories: 1) Hiring Authorities, 2) Job Lead Providers, 3) Connectors and 4) Advisors. Establish a complete profile on LinkedIn, then build your “Connections” and secure several “Recommendations.” Set up a series of informational interviews and then try to obtain additional referrals that might lead to job interviews. Follow-up, Follow-up, Follow-up!

10. Focus, Focus, Focus – Don’t get distracted from your priorities. Focus is the ability to have clarity on the objectives that you strive for in your career. Concentrate your energy and attention on the goals you have set. Block out anything that might derail you.

11. Evaluate – How am I doing? – Take time out weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually and take stock of your progress. What’s working, and what’s not working? Consider the sacrifices you are willing to make. Stay patient, persistent, focused and disciplined.