Personality Assessment for Personal Branding
Who are you and in what type of workplace do you thrive? A personality assessment can tell you a lot about the sort of environment that might best suit your personality and work style. Will you function best at a large international organization, or at a smaller firm with satellite or home-based offices?

Using Myers Briggs or a DISC assessment, you can gain valuable insight into the things that drive you, in turn enabling you to steer your career in a direction that is most appropriate for you. You can then build upon this information as you establish and drive your unique personal brand. Creating a compelling brand strategy will help establish your presence in today’s challenging and highly competitive job market.

A personality assessment, in addition to helping you understand more about you, can help you learn about different personality styles. This knowledge will assist you in forming better relationships with superiors and subordinates. Once you are able to assess your own behavior and its impact on others, you will be in a better position to tailor your communication style to different types of people. This effort should also help improve your management style and set the tone for your positive reputation.

As you recognize areas that might need improvement, you can modify your brand image and work at balancing your personality traits in a way that is suitable for various audiences. No one person is a pure type when it comes to personality assessments. Rather, we are all a blend with a predominant style. This is good news! It means we have the ability to tweak our behavior while remaining true to our core values.

Establishing and promoting a positive brand takes work. It requires continual analysis and modification to ensure ongoing marketability and relevance. My clients who go through a personality assessment as part of their branding strategy really appreciate the insight the assessment process offers. Each of us is a unique individual! Setting your career compass as a means to generating that all-important roadmap will keep you on track; certainly it will also help you with the various forks (that invariably appear) on the path to career happiness and success.