Develop a Great Network - Pay It Forward for Maximum Success
Who needs a network of people to talk to about the struggles you’re encountering in your profession? You do! The more people you have in your personal network, the more people that can help you Make it Great! Don’t be afraid to ask for help, because you can’t do everything alone, contrary to popular belief. By developing your network, you can actually become more dependent on others, and they will become dependent on you.

Offer people what you know and what you are good at is the key to YOUR long-term success. Read that again and think about it: Offering people what you know and what you are good at is the key to YOUR long-term success. To quote Zig Ziglar "If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want."

What this means is if you prove you can help people get what they want, especially if there is no direct benefit to you, they will want to repay the favor and help you get what you want. Perhaps this comes back to you in form of a job recommendation, a referral, or even just a heads-up that a certain company is hiring.

Want to know the key? Take the long-term view. You can't immediately expect that just because you did something nice for someone, that now they "owe you a favor" and will immediately do something for you. Eventually, it will come around, but you have to be patient and let it come to you. Believe me, it will come back to you, probably ten-fold!

There was a movie made in 2000 called “Pay It Forward” starring Haley Joel Osment, Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt. If you're not familiar with it, the story was about a young boy, played by Osment, who practiced random acts of kindness to all the people he came in contact with. These people would then practice random acts of kindness to others, which propagated more random acts of kindness, and the cycle continued.

It’s so simple really: Help people first, and you’ll be helped yourself. Try it for yourself and I guarantee you, it will change your life!