Facing A Sudden Career Change?: Early Transition Tips
Making a transition that is not your choice is never easy. No matter how much information we're privy to regarding our company or industry, it's always a shock. Here are a few things to help you navigate during the first weeks of your transition.

Creating acceptance.

Experience the shock, hurt and anger that you're experiencing but don't get stuck in the feelings. Instead, focus on the future and what it is you most want and need.

Acknowledge the feelings.
At some time during this ordeal you may feel hurt, fear, anger or disappointment. The key is to not let feelings consume you, these feelings are all very natural. Realize these decisions are not about people—it’s about roles. Remember feelings are not facts!

Don't feel ashamed.
Being laid off is not something to be ashamed of today. It’s also a natural part of the today’s economy. If it has not happened to you yet then you are the exception to the rule. Most people that you talk to during your job search will tell you they have been laid off at least once in their career.

Leave on good terms.
Be respectful. Ask for referrals if possible. And remember you are not the only one feeling this—your colleagues who were not laid off will be impacted as well.

Know you will land safely!