The Most Difficult Interview Question
I typically ask workshop attendees and my clients which questions tend to give them trouble. The two I hear most often center around compensation and ‘tell me about yourself.’ Both are difficult, but for different reasons.

Let’s tackle the most common and, likely, the most difficult question of all because it’s somewhat vague and is usually the first question asked in a typically nerve-wracking setting: Tell me about yourself.

Keep your answer to under one minute, remembering the question is merely an ice breaker and not the time to unload your entire life story. The employer is as often less interested in what you say than how you say it. How do you come across? Concise, professional? Or rambling?

Thank them for having you in for an interview, then give a brief summary of your education and relevant experience, then transition to asking the interviewer to tell you more about the position.

Asking them a question keeps you from rambling and directs the conversation to where the employer wanted it to go anyway - him discussing the company and describing the opening.

Also, by asking a question early on you establish the freedom to ask questions throughout the interview. That’s important in establishing somewhat of a peer-to-peer relationship and also doesn’t leave you hanging when they ask, “do you have any questions for me” at the end of the interview.